
What does it like to be Dali sometimes makes me wonder. Lost in imagination, dreams, and thoughts is not always a pleasant journey since it may get overwhelming at times. Yet what a gifted and passionate soul to have channeled and created 1,600 paintings with numerous graphic works, designs, sculptures including three-dimensional objects over his lifespan. Set foot in Dali's small yet exquisite exhibition in Belfort, Belgium self was a surreal experience. It was pretty much like temporarily sedated to be brought into the dimension of his brilliant artistry. 

Some of his paintings and drawings really take place in my heart. Dali's Bestiary, for instance, was inspired by 245 fables of a French poet, Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695). He depicted animals that had human traits, expressed humor, naivety, and psychological awareness.


Dali used a lot of surrealistic symbols to characterize the images on these lithographies. Essentially these works are an Ode to Gala, his wife. 

"Meals refer to my deeper self and add ornament and weight to my talents. They are absolutely necessary in the progress of growth of my creative powers and feed my sense of refinement and aesthetics."




See also

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