
Showing posts from February, 2018

Worrying about path, most of the time?

I just read a very beautiful line that I consider as quote of the day. Let  my  heart be broken by the things that break  the  heart  of God. -Robert Pierce Baca quote itu pertama kali di booklet kecil yang dibawa mama pulang. Booklet- nya dibuat sama salah satu NGO ( Non-Governmental Organization ) yang fokus membantu anak-anak mewujudkan harapan untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik di daerah tertinggal layaknya Papua dan Kalimantan. Dulu pas SMA sempet punya mimpi buat kerja di perusahaan non-profit yang bergerak di bidang sosial kayak gini, tapi seiring berjalannya waktu dan saban hari berkecimpung di dunia kuliah, mimpinya sebenarnya suka berubah-ubah. Mulai dari yang sederhana sampe mimpi punya settled job yang bisa bikin kaya raya. Pas tadi abis baca booklet- nya, rasanya kayak diingetin dream job pas SMA sampe pada akhirnya memutuskan untuk nulis post ini. Rasanya kayak tamparan, kadang dalam hidup sadar atau ngga sadar, kita lebih berpihak sama hal-hal yang bikin puas jasman

A Smart Classic 20th Century Literature

Source : (translated into Indonesian version) Indonesian Title   : Orang Aneh Author                    : Albert Camus Translator              : Max Arifin Year                         : 2017 Number of pages  : 168 ISBN (10) 979-168-469-3 First impression that came to my mind right after I finished reading this book is that everything is somehow worth accepted. You may think it sounds cliche, yet if we do accept something especially the hard or difficult ones, you won't feel so much like it is. Despite it makes us feel unhappy, but at least we don't feel like being punished or cursed. Thus, it is less burdensome and that's what the main character of the story (Mersault) had chosen, something that can be seen from his behaviors and also his will. I have never thought about letting myself to read a book which is written by a philosopher like Albert Camus since it is mostly paradoxical. In fact, it is undeniable that the book, through