
Showing posts from January, 2019

To Be Content

These few days I have stumbled upon the fact that free time could actually give me a lot of personal spaces in order to re-think and make me become fully concerning about what is needed to be done as a part of what we may call: ' self-care '. As I have read couple of good books, I just started realizing more that amongst of those important things in life, what matters most is the healthy being of the heart, mind and soul.  Nowadays, it is inevitable that people have the tendency to measure the insides against someone else's outside, the thing which obstructs the process of receiving self-contentment. While we are virtually knowing those two things probably bear no resemblance, we keep on comparing ourselves to another. Sadly saying, we may fail to run and manifest the self-care or we may stay unhealthy.  However, I also just found out the psychological concept by Carl Rogers known as the Fully Functioning Person (the FFP). According to Rogers, a fully functioning p