
Showing posts from 2023

The Tranquil World of Vermeer #JohannesVermeerExhibition

I had never actually gotten so close to Vermeer's world until I witnessed most of his works through his current exhibition at Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. I have always been a fan of The Milkmaid 's impressive details yet never did I know that he had served immeasurably more to us admire.  When I encountered The Little Street painting, the first thing that came to my mind is how unique the angle it has. During that period (17th century), I believe painting an incomplete or close-up and cut subject was not a popular technique to be used, let alone painting a scene where it gives a space for depth to be pretty much the center of attention.  The more I dive deeper into his paintings, the more I am able to see a pattern of letting in the outside world at an inside world. Through open doors just like on  The Little Street or like on this very exquisite Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window . It might not be the only gesture that 'invites' us all in, but there are as well elem