
Showing posts from 2019


I never had a chance to be on the scent of Van Gogh until I got to attend an art class in the fourth year back in college. I won’t let myself throw such a shallow judgment on whether the work of art is good or bad, I can never be able to determine either. But we do have preferences, and mine will always be under the shadow of a connection built. When I see Van Gogh’s paintings, I feel irresistibly drawn to them.  Another thing in regards to him that caught my attention is the way he ended his life; by doing suicidal. Some said that's because of his mental instability that leads to depression, yet we never really know. At first, I had been wondering why a great artist like him could do such thing whereas doing art is about expressing your inner-self, spirit, feelings, and emotions - helping a person to let them all out.  #BetweenSolitudeAndLoneliness Nevertheless, he was known as a quiet, thoughtful and imaginative person. He contributed to the foundation of modern art,

#Spilliaert's at Mu.ZEE

Let me have my last day on earth in an art museum, I wanna die peacefully and be surrounded by people who share the same spirit, embody the same energy. A constant unending process of creativity which has no number emerging, and I always am grateful to have witnessed with my own eyes the things that most people won’t specifically see. I feel back to myself, I feel no fear. I can embrace my most individuality.  Quoted what Léon Spilliaert had said,  “To me, the only thing that counts is my individuality; it is everything to me; I am not so certain that all the other thin gs actually exist. It is like a phantasmagoria when I view the life that goes on outside myself it is often with abundant fantasy.”  This is probably the first thing that caught my attention. My brainwork went far to how's individuality mean so much to Spilliaert and how it later affects me to embrace mine either. When I initially entered the room, I didn't know who is Spilliaert, it was

Rindu Bukan Main

Mama memang nggak pernah bilang betapa kosong dan hancur rasanya ditinggal oma. Waktu oma pergi, mama berulang kali bilang kalau ia ikhlas dan lega karena oma nggak ngerasain sakit lagi. Mama nggak perlu lagi nanggung pilu liat oma nggak berdaya. Tapi dari cerita singkat berulang atau foto memoar masa kecil, update singkat di sosial media, sampai mimpi siang bolong kalau mama ketemu dan ngobrol sama oma, betapa mama larut. Mama bilang opa belakangan ini nggak bisa tidur nyenyak. Badannya sakit-sakit, katanya kesepian nggak ada oma lagi, rindu. Betapa oma selamanya mawar merah kesayangan opa. Pun sekarang kelopak2nya layu dan durinya yang tersisa, oma masih selamanya mawar merah kesayangan opa. “Namanya juga oma belahan jiwanya opa, grid.” Banyak pertanyaan batin muncul, salah satunya seberapa mara jika album ingatan senang bukan lagi sama rasa di masa sekarang saat lembarnya dibuka kembali. Haruskah tak lagi sama? Betapa tubuh fisik adalah fana namun apakah benar sanggup jika

Invisible Frame(s)

 Snuggled up in the shade of spring-summer, beautifully captured by @afirawati during our stroll through Antwerpen.

To Be Content

These few days I have stumbled upon the fact that free time could actually give me a lot of personal spaces in order to re-think and make me become fully concerning about what is needed to be done as a part of what we may call: ' self-care '. As I have read couple of good books, I just started realizing more that amongst of those important things in life, what matters most is the healthy being of the heart, mind and soul.  Nowadays, it is inevitable that people have the tendency to measure the insides against someone else's outside, the thing which obstructs the process of receiving self-contentment. While we are virtually knowing those two things probably bear no resemblance, we keep on comparing ourselves to another. Sadly saying, we may fail to run and manifest the self-care or we may stay unhealthy.  However, I also just found out the psychological concept by Carl Rogers known as the Fully Functioning Person (the FFP). According to Rogers, a fully functioning p