To whom I should be angry with, the society or the people?
Its still hard to believe we live in a world filled by mankind which are having different characters. Seeing the true color of someone can sometimes break your heart. As time goes by I try to make myself understand by willing to be such person who is easy to accept everything in all conditions.
What I've been questioning is, whether its God who create mankind quite diverse or the people who make themselves become more complicated?
What's wrong with the world nowadays, some people are so dissapointing while I always try my best to be the opposite
I did good things to them, but they only remember the bad ones
Never had any intention to hurt their feelings while they broke my heart easily
I dont mean to be ungrateful or expecting to get such an equal feedback for the kindness I have done and shared to them. But its just really hurting to feel like everybody is faking himself. And dealing with those people, is hell tiring and draining too much of my energy.

Plunge into social world, interacting and connecting with people, gain experiences and new knowledge also establish a good relation thru conversations with people are always seemed so interesting and fun, but only if you meet the right people and be in a right inner circle. But if you meet people who are selfish, stubborn as fuck, hate being advised but like to influence people in a bad way, full of hatred, judgy at the same time fake. fake. fake. and won't even learn from mistakes whereas we live to learn from anything, as i am experiencing it now, and because we aint perfect to not learn for the entire life. pitty them.
Well I do pissed off but God's telling me to not hold a grudge and let go, because when I keep it inside the heart its gonna be an illness, dad said its a trash to my body, well this is life and I just learnt something, so let me clear this up. I know who they really are now, but just like Martin Luther I have decided to stick with love. Hate is a very great burden to bear. Some people are just like pain in the ass, they are like dark clouds, I've been trying to help them to be better person but they are too stubborn even just to realize they walk and be in a wrong path. When they disappear, its a brighter day. Know when its time to let go, removing negative people from my life doesnt mean I hate them, it just means that I love myself more.

In what we call as society, we must know which hand to (only) shake, and which hand to hold.
 End of problem, oh God let me be the light.


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